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The Redmond Wetlands Project is an excellent opportunity to turn wastewater into a much-needed resource for wildlife, wetlands. The community will benefit from this project through education, exposure to wildlife and the outdoors, and recreational opportunities. I am excited to see this community project move forward.

Dave Markham

I was so excited to hear that Redmond might create a Wetlands site similar to the one I frequent at Crooked River Wetlands. I go there often & see how it benefits many different types of people from birders/wildlife watchers, families recreating with children, older citizens going for a morning stroll, etc. It is so wonderful to have a safe place to walk & enjoy nature.

Rebecca Taylor & family

Redmond Icon

The proposed wetlands complex near Redmond will impact me in a huge way.  I have been one of the few who have regularly (with the City’s permission) used the current Redmond settling ponds off NW Way and Coyner.  This site has produced many exciting birds over the years, some of which have not been seen elsewhere in the area.  That old location has been very good for unusual species, but the real impact of that facility has been to offer a semi-protected place for the more mundane species to live, eat, and reproduce.  This new complex will match that, surpass that, and flatly squash that.  It’s a win, win, win!!

I just want you to know that my level of excitement for this project is sky high and every birder I speak to shares that opinion.  Thanks for making this a reality.  I can’t wait for my first day out there and I can’t wait for that first rare bird at the Redmond Wetlands Complex.

Chuck Gates
Prineville Bird Club
Crooked River Wetlands Volunteer

How exciting to hear that Redmond is strongly considering a sewage treatment wetlands complex much like the one in Prineville! The one in Prineville is terrific for walking and birding, viewing wildlife. People exercise in a safe place, walk their dogs and children, while getting fresh air and seeing wildlife. It’s definitely a winning situation on all sides – very forward thinking. Redmond’s will be important for me, especially as I age, so that I don’t have to drive the seventy-five miles round trip to Prineville. I heard that there is an idea floating around to use the present ponds for limited mobility citizens; that’s a fantastic idea! To be able to drive to a destination and not have to walk for miles to see nature/wildlife is a big plus for those with disabilities.

 Mary Webster

Redmond Icon

I have reviewed Redmond’s proposed wastewater treatment wetlands project.  What a terrific idea and so well thought through.  I especially like the schematic illustrating young families using the public walkways.

Thank you all for your efforts to upgrade the system while creating a valuable public amenity.  Keep up the good work.

Kelly Hazen

What the city of Redmond is proposing for the Redmond Wetlands Complex is spot on perfect. As demonstrated in Prineville and Crook County, a well-designed treatment facility can actually become a community asset. The Redmond Wetlands Complex, as shown, meets all of the tests, and merits full funding and support. This investment will bring effective wastewater treatment combined with recreation benefits for generations to come. Count me in as a supporter of this project, and a visitor in the years to come!

Kevin Tanski

Redmond Icon

Wow, I am so excited about the Redmond Wetland Complex Plan.  Not only does it make environmental sense, but I look forward to enjoying the excellent birding opportunities it will bring, based on the success of the highly successful Prineville plan.  Good for Redmond!

Alice Elshoff

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