December 5, 2022
Upcoming Milestones
November 30, 2022-December 2022: BLM public scoping period for the City of Redmond’s lease of 620 acres to accommodate expanding the Water Pollution Control Facility and the Redmond Wetland’s Complex.
December 2022: Action Item Presented to Redmond City Council: A resolution of the City of Redmond, Oregon, authorizing an amendment to the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan Agreement
2023 (Dates TBD): Deschutes County Land Use Planning.
Spring 2023: Final design of the Wetlands Complex.
Early Summer 2023: Action Item Presented to Redmond City Council: Request for Bid Award for Redmond Wetlands Complex
Late Summer 2023-2026: Construction of the Wetlands Complex.
“It’s taking what is a required function and turning it into something that is a benefit. The City is doing a great thing. It’s a real value-added for a required function of a city.” Linda Seeberg, executive director of academic achievement for the Redmond School District
BLM Seeks Public Input for Wetlands Complex Land Lease
**If you noticed a discrepancy between the BLM map and the City of Redmond’s map, it is because when the Plan of Development (POD) application was submitted to the Bureau of Land Management on June 16, 2022, it considered every possible disposal wetland location. The most recent plans, 60% design layout, reflect what is planned for construction slated to begin in late summer 2023.**
BLM Press Release Announcing Public Scoping
The Bureau of Land Management is offering people the opportunity to provide input on the City of Redmond’s request to lease BLM public lands. The lease would accommodate expanding the city’s wastewater treatment facility and associated wetland complex.
The lease covers approximately 620 acres and would be leased under the Recreation and Public Purposes Act (Act) of 1954. The proposed facilities would be located on both city-owned and leased BLM public lands.
People are invited to provide comments on the proposal during the public scoping period. Comments will help identify alternatives, refine the proposal, and identify issues. The BLM will conduct a review of the city’s proposal and disclose any potential impacts.
All comments must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on December 30, 2022, to be considered. Written comments will be accepted at the address below or can be emailed to Please refer to Redmond Wetlands Complex Project.
Deschutes Field Office
Deschutes Field Manager
3050 NE 3rd Street 491
Prineville, OR 97754
Plan of Development
The Plan of Development (POD), was submitted to the Bureau of Land Management on June 16, 2022. The POD, shown below, was submitted with preliminary engineering information. At that time, the proposed disposal wetland layout considered every possible disposal wetland location. The 60% design layout, also shown below, reflects the actual disposal wetlands planned for construction slated to begin in late summer 2023. Click here to view the POD.
60% Design
The 60% design layout reflects the disposal wetlands planned for construction slated to begin in late summer 2023. Click here to view the 60% design layout.